Wednesday, October 22, 2008

You Know You're Raising a Bibliophile When...

1. You threaten to take ALL of the books back to the library if they don't stop reading and do what they're told.

2. You have to remind them to physically lay the book down and stop trying to pick up their room while holding the book in one hand.

3. Both #1 and #2 evokes tears in the aforementioned bibliophile


Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

That was SO me when I was younger and living at home. I would still be that except I have three little ankle biters now and there is precious little time for reading novels. Though, I still do manage to squeeze them in. :)


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Too funny. I distinctly remember my mom punishing us with "No Reading!". And one of laid in stone house rules was No Books at the the Dinner Table!

Christine said...

That is awesome! It looks like you are raising a life-long learner! Way to go, mama! ;)

Tressa & Mark said...

A room without books is like a house without windows
~author unknown

Sarah said...

What a dream! Around here we threaten no electronics.