Thursday, October 09, 2008

31 Weeks and Counting....Frantically

My update informed me that the baby will now be going on a growth spurt in the next several weeks.

In my humble opinion....I think I'm going to explode.

It's been nice knowing y'all.


Jason and Vanessa said...

I love the belly! You are so close how exciting!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute! I know you don't enjoy hearing it when you are feeling anything but cute, but I can't help it. I love seeing the miracle of life. Especially when it isn't me who is 8 months along! I do wish you all the best with the development of your new little one and the upcoming big day! Get some rest!

Anonymous said...

You are as beautiful as ever! You were made for breedin' girl! I'll be praying for you. love ya bunches!!!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said... if you need to be told
"hey you're gonna get bigger pretty soon"
whatever...tell them to bite you! hee hee

Christine said...

Very cute baby bump! How thrilling that baby is coming in a few weeks! :)

The Jessie James Gang said...

Nah, you don't look that big! Less than 10 weeks! Thats gonna fly! (Especially for me - I'm moving in 10 weeks - I guess I'll be joining you in the "Misplaced Michiganders" club)

mindi said...

You look lovely - and not near as big as I was with Lex at this time, so don't worry. You can always get bigger :)

Sarah said...

It's a triple B. Beautiful Baby Belly.