You can leave now OR you can hang around and be entertained for a mere 2.4 seconds more and walk away mumbling to yourselves, "now, why'd I keep reading?".
I can sense the enthusiasm through my computer screen already.
Bear with me people. Bear with me. It's not that painful, I promise.
As I mentioned in my oh-so-live blog posting while en route (you can find them here, hereand here and here), we didn't leave our home until 1pm. Mostly thanks to me.
Okay. It was ALL my fault.
Anyway, this was how we looked while all snug in the rental van.

The girls, watching the first of many DVD's. This was while they
were still happy to be traveling 1200 miles.

Me looking back when I was still happy to be traveling 1200 miles.

See, I told y'all there was such a place as Bucksnort,TN!
I wouldn't, however, recommend stopping there. It isn't the kind
of place you'd wanna go to the bathroom in, if you know what
I mean.of place you'd wanna go to the bathroom in, if you know what

Our beautiful Sis in the midst of the Fall foliage that seemed so strange and foreign to her. She was made for those Autumn colors, huh?

Liver Pie looking Fiendishly Fallish. Even with a big, green bruise adorning her forehead.

A man and his drunken baby. Relax, I'm just kidding. It was only Benadryl. Relax, kidding again. Sheesh, y'all need a sense of humor already.

Lions and tigers and..DINOSAURS?
Oh, my.

I pretty much lost my sense of humor after this point and had no desire to take pictures of breathtaking scenery, much less my stain laden children. Basically, we made it to Michigan about 8 hours after this picture. It was late. It was dark. That's it.
To be continued.....
What's with the giant yellow spider in the first picture?! Our favorite funny-named town is Chunky, Mississippi. It's right by the Chunky River. We once stopped through & got pictures of the Chunk Post Office & the Chunky Baptist Church. When your tired, anything is funny!
Hey, at least you look like you were having fun. Our favorite place is Toadsuck, AR.
I love your photos. The one of liver pie and the leaves is beautiful!
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