Do you remember where you were today? I remember vividly. I was dropping my son off at school. He was in 4th grade. I heard on the radio that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. No one knew it was an act of terrorism at that point. When I returned home, I turned on the television to find out some more information. I was in a hurry because I was working at a Mother's Day Out program and I needed to get going. As I sat there watching, the first tower fell. I heard the horror (and felt my own) in the newscasters voice. I was speechless. I called my husband to tell him. He was the first to hear at his job and broke the news to the others.
I had to leave for work, but listened on the radio as I drove. This is when reports started coming in that this was done purposely and it was believed to be an act of terrorism. My emotions took over and I began to weep. I arrived at my friends house to drop off my daughter. Her husband was watching the television as I walked in the door. I paused for a few moments to watch as well. Once again, I watched in horror as the second building fell. It will be something I will never forget. The shock. The horror. The fear for those fighting for their lives on the streets of New York City. The whys.
I was swallowing my tears as the children began to come into the classroom. One sweet little girl came up to me and told me an airplane had crashed into a building. Swallowing hard, all I could do was nod and say, "that's right". It was a difficult day to get through to say the least. I picked my son up early from school that day as well. Some thought it was foolish. I just wanted to be a little closer to the ones I loved.
The world changed forever that day. People's priorities changed. Children were hugged, I love you's were said and family meant a little more. I wish I could say that it has lasted. I'm just not sure. I know I haven't forgotten. Every year I pull down the newspapers and magazines I saved and once again go back, just so I don't forget.
We serve a Sovereign God and I know God was in control that day. As hard as it is for some to comprehend, God knew. Rest in these words:
Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Lest we forget our servicemen, I came across this song and video on Youtube and I wanted to share it. While we all may not agree what is going on across that great ocean, let us all be thankful for those willing to serve and lay down their lives for our freedom. Let us take the time to pray for them and their families, especially those who have lost loved ones. Let's remember.
Lest we forget our servicemen, I came across this song and video on Youtube and I wanted to share it. While we all may not agree what is going on across that great ocean, let us all be thankful for those willing to serve and lay down their lives for our freedom. Let us take the time to pray for them and their families, especially those who have lost loved ones. Let's remember.
I know I will never forget what happened this day six years ago.
I am also praying for the service men and women who lay their lives down for us every day.
Unfortunately, my husband will be headed to Iraq next year. I hope and pray he comes home.
Please tell your husband thank-you for me. He will be in my thoughts and prayers, as well as you and your sweet little ones. God Bless you all.
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