Thursday, October 25, 2007

"Bear"ly Bothered

Did y'all notice that even though the sneezing baby panda scared the jeepers out of the momma panda that she NEVER QUIT CHEWING HER FOOD!

I must say, I truly respect a female that even under a time of extreme duress, can not only keep her composure, but continue to chew her cookie.

The girl has some major skills.

One must also admire the fact that the jiggle factor of her fat roll doesn't seem to bother her even one little bit. Nope. No panda Lycra for her mommy muffin.

Hmmm...if only I could lay around all day with my fat roll hangin' out, eat cookies, watching the baby sleep.

Oh, wait a minute...


Anonymous said...

Ahhh!!! to be a bear...

mindi said...

I've seen that before and just love it. So adorable!

Jedi Miller said...

I love this video, but I am pretty sure i have seen it somewhere before... hmm where was that now?

Sadie said...

Now that was some great entertainment!