I can tell things are getting bigger as it's getting harder to get out of bed. I know the next few weeks will bring even more changes and that is always exciting.
I'm feeling the baby move more and more which never ceases to amaze me. It is simply a miracle. Only a week and a half until the sonogram! Woo-hoo!
I am blessed.
Can't wait for ur sono! woohoo
Love the b/w belly pic - I'm getting jealous but SOOOO not ready for another wee one!
So are you gonna find out what you're having or not? I like you're idea of waiting just to annoy people. I still couldn't do that though. I'm too much of a planner.
You look so GOOD! I am excited to hear about the sonogram!! I have to live vicariously because I never did that sort of thing :)
Aw i love it!
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