Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Winter Bloggy Give-Away Carnival

*This contest is now closed, thanks for participating!*

Once again Shannon is hosting another bloggy giveaway! These are so much fun that I can't resist joining in yet again!

Last time, after much introspection, I thought seriously of giving away my 16yo strapping, young son. Alas, while there were many offers of dowries and betrothal to daughters, cousins and friends, I decided it was in my best interest to giveaway something other than my first born.

Since that was so successful for me the first time and the fact that I really do adore all 5 of my children - I think I'll just give away some more Pampered Chef! Yeehaw! And since I love cooking and baking and all things homemakerish, I've put together a lovely array of items if I do say so myself.

Up for the taking this time is a lovely Pampered Chef package. It contains a wide assortment of great items for the kitchen. These would include:

- 3, yes you read that right, 3 Season's Best cookbooks (because I L-O-V-E to cook)
- 1 package Soups, Stews and Chili's Recipe Cards (a recipe for a bread bowl!!)
- 3 small Twixit clips (for when the twistie ties mysteriously disappear!)
- 1 package Southwestern Seasoning - good for the tacos and fajitas
- 1 Mini-Whipper (great for chocolate milk or eggs or whatever your little imagination desires!)
- 1 Citrus Peeler (for those pesky oranges)
- 1 Cake Tester (admit it, we all hate using a knife)

And a lovely assortment of pictures:

All in new packaging - because I care enough to give the very best.

Wonderful cookbooks and recipe cards! BTW, see the chocolate cake with the white frosting? I've made that one before! Oh yes ma'am, I did.

All waiting just for you!

Here's the lowdown.
- Post a comment and you're entered.
- Only enter one time, please. We all know cheaters never prosper. Unless of course, you're a politician or in professional sports - then most of them do.
- U.S residents only please - I hate excluding my Canadian friends, but I'm afraid the seasoning might be mistaken for some illegal substance and then I would be tied up in court for years and hey, I'm just not up for that. But my husband does love hockey!
- You may enter until Friday February 1, 2008 10pm CST. At this time I will close comments.
- I will use the random number generator to select a winner.
- The winner will be posted on Monday February 4, 2008.
- I will contact the winner who will need to contact me back within 24 hours or a new winner will be selected.
- You do NOT need a blog to win, but please leave a way to contact you (i.e. email, etc..)
- My friends are more than welcome to enter - you know who you are - all two of you.

Don't forget to head on over to Shannon's and enter all the other great giveaways!! I'm heading there myself!


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KnittinChick said...

Oh boo hoo to not having Canadians getting to enter. However, very discerning of you to notice that they might think it is a domestic version of Traffic!

Sheila said...

How fun! I'm going through a bit of a pampered chef withdrawal myself!

Thanks for sharing!

InnaC said...

Awesome giveaway!

Geri said...

Great Giveaway!!! thanks a bunch for the fun!!!

Dalyn said...

Sounds like fun...count me in *U*

LuckyCat said...

These are some nice items. Thanks for having a giveaway!

Karin said...

Please enter me---thank you!

krista said...

what a great giveaway! count me in please :)

Awesome Mom said...

Awesome prize. I am so glad that I am not Canadian so I can enter it. lol

Laura Paxton said...

Loving all things Pampered Chef! Please enter me!

windycindy said...

What a fantastic package! Please enter me in your Pampered Chef drawing. I appreciate it. Cindi

Melissa~ said...

Oh, I *love* pampered chef!! Yay!

Pink Paper Peppermints

Anonymous said...

Best prize ever! Count me in.

Robin said...

Fabulous giveaway - I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

Enter me, please!

Christy Lee said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! Please enter me.

JaniceJ said...

I love Pampered Chef, thank you for a great giveaway!

Julie Donahue said...

Wow! Nice selection!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the chance to win! -beth

GreenStyleMom said...

I love Pampered Chef and I hope I win!

Momala said...

Wow! I love Pampered Chef! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jean said...

You can never go wrong with PC. That cake looks awesome. If I win that will be the first recipe I make.

Queen Mother said...

Love Pampered Chef. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Tara said...

Great goodies. I'd love a slice of cake now!

Patty said...

I misplaced my orange peeler when we moved and I would love to win this Pampered Chef package! I love their recipes! Thanks for a great giveaway.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Great stuff. Thank you for not offering up the kids. I have three of my own...2 teens. Favorite quote. Raising a teenager is like trying to nail jello to a tree. Susan

Trish said...

I love Pampered Chef - count me in!

Alaina said...

I love Pampered Chef! What a great giveaway!

Jedi Miller said...

Count me in, free is good!

Amy W said...

I love Pampered Chef!!

Gettysburg Mom said...

thanks for a chance at winning a great gift...the cookbooks look full of yummy food!

Melissa said...

looks good!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a giveaway!

Shelly said...

Looks like lots of goodies! Count me in!

Rebecca said...

enter me please!
rebeccagillespie at gmail.com

Bonnie in FL said...

wow what wonderful goodies I love to cook and bake

CrystalGB said...

I love Pampered Chef. Please count me in.

mattie said...

what a fun prize pack!!! mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

Lorie said...

I heart PC! Please enter me!

mindi said...

Enter me too, (hint hint), I would really like to win (hint hint) :P

Sarah said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

Rhonda said...

I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one considering giving away their first born son!! Great giveaway - and your blog is so going in my Google Reader!! :)

nthornsberry said...

LOVE Pampered Chef..I'd be honored.

ali said...

please enter me. thanks

Anonymous said...

Pampered Chef? LOVE it - Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man I LOVE THIS! Thank you!

Brit said...

What a fun assortment!!! I LOVE to cook so this is right up my alley!!!

Anonymous said...

YeeHaw is right! What a generous giveaway! I love to cook...So I would put all these little goodies to very good use! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome set!

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Thank you for the lovely giveaway! Please include me. :)

~Nancy~ said...

Oh how my newly cooking 23 y/o daughter would love this a gift!

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance and please be sure to come enter mine.

My Trendy Tykes said...

I love pampered chef! Count me in for sure.


Unknown said...

hello Michelle
I first found your blog while doing a search for the toddler crayons,since we are in the northeast & its hard to get out sometimes I thought it would be fun for my girls. anyway I have added your blog to my Fave's! I find it inspiring and very informative! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Love Pampered Chef stuff! I haven't had a catalog in about 5 years... since we moved and I don't know of a consultant here.

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

email is in my profile or you can use the contact form on my blog

ETXmomof2 said...

Please add me.

Anonymous said...

OOOOH! I just love a give-away! Please enter me! No blog, but my e-mail is onehoppinmom@yahoo.com Thanks! Beth

Anonymous said...

What a cool prize! I would LOVE this!
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

Wendy said...

Great giveaway! Count me in:)

Anonymous said...

I can't pass this up, i really like Pampered Chef!


Anonymous said...

Love this one. I'm hungry and I just ate lunch.

Anonymous said...

looks great/sounds great!enter me! ahdrad2932@msn.com

Britni said...

I love PC!!

Anonymous said...

very awesome giveaway! count me in!


MAH said...

great giveaway!

Maddie said...

Please enter me in. Thanks, Maddie livin4Him06@gmail.com

Someone Being Me said...

I love love love Pampered Chef. Please sign me up.

Jenny said...

I love Pampered Chef and I am trying to be a better cook!

Anonymous said...

I love me some Pampered Chef! Count me in!

Kim said...

Pampered Chef! GREAT! I love the stuff. Sounds like some fun things to try. Thanks! Kim

Anonymous said...

some pampered chef would be so nice!


Erin said...

Love everything in this giveaway. Looking forward to winning it :)

Sarah said...

No little fever is going to keep me from entering. Hopefully, I'll be back up and going by tomorrow, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Stephanie Kay said...

LOVE PC!! I used to be a consultant 5 years ago.

mama2drama said...

I enjoy papmpered chef so much. Hope to win

The Chatty Housewife said...

I love this giveaway! I hope I win!


Betsy said...

Nice contest!

Missy said...

Count me in!

Shannon said...

I used to sell Pampered Chef a long time ago...love love love their stuff!

Great giveaway!

Carrie said...

What a great giveaway! I would love those cookbooks!!

Heather said...

I love Pampered Chef. I've wanted one of those mini whips!

Jenn said...

Fabulous - enter me! I could use some new recipes!

Leanne said...

Even though I'm Canadian, and since I love Pampered Chef and I have a U.S. mailing address so you will not be interrogated by those pesky border guard...I'm going to enter. Also, I could trade the items for my firstborn 16 year old son if they would allow a swap over the border. Regardless, we'll be watching the hockey game tonight...thanks for the giveaway. (lcody@shaw.ca)

Megan said...

count me in!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me for your giveaway!
It sounds great!

Amanda said...

Count me in - sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't love some Pampered Chef.

Unknown said...

I love Pampered Chef!!

Sue said...

I LOVE Pampered Chef!

Tricia said...

Please count me in. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Please enter me! Thanks!
Tami Parker

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. Thanks for offering!

Team Zachary said...

Thanks for offering this awesome opportunity for the giveaway! You are very generous! Good luck to all!

Re said...

GREAT giveaway! I really want to win. :)

a boy a girl and a pug said...

all sounds yummy!

Mrs. Sara said...

I absolutely LOVE Pampered Chef stuff... please enter me! Thanks!

Rachie S. said...

Thanks for this great giveaway!

meddlingkidd said...

I just love Pampered Chef stuff! Count me in!


ahiltz said...

Oh my goodness! What an awesome giveaway! Love Pampered Chef goodies! Thank you so much for doing this!


Megnificent said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! Thanks, please enter me!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE Pampered Chef! Please count me in for the giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! Have a FABULOUS week!

Jennifer :-)

Manders said...

Pampered Chef for my first kitchen.


Good luck to all.

Anonymous said...

Please count me in on your contest... I love pampered chef and was relieved that is what you are offering... I spend all day with college students (18-22 mostly) and therefore do not need a 16 yr-old as well!

PastormacsAnn said...

I found you during the last giveaway! That was a great prize.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please!

rookiem at live dot com

Amy said...

Just recently been introduced to papmered chef and love it.

jayedee said...

great giveaway! please throw my name into the hat too! good luck everyone!

Sarah said...

Wow, all those cookbooks. Myself and my hubby would love you for this. :-)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Heather said...

Please enter me! The cookbooks look sooooo great!

Double Happiness said...

Love PC!

To win my giveaway for an Usborne Book, go to http://thedoublehappiness.blogspot.com

Debbie#3 said...

Great giveaway - count me in please!

Photozurn said...

Mmmm... tasty!

Melanie said...

Can't say no to PC!

Melissa said...

Wow, what a great prize package! Please count me in, and thank you!

Bree said...

Ohhh- please enter me! Thanks!

GiBee said...

Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!

charmed said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com

Tabitha said...

I'd love some new Pampered Chef stuff:) Thanks for offering it!

Sarah W. said...

Wow, what an awesome giveaway! I only have a few PC items my mom let me have....and I love them! I would love to have these items. They are all so wonderful.

Email is sarahw56@gmail.com

Thanks for your generosity!

Amy said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! I love to cook, so I'm sure I could put these things to good use.

If you like to read, head over to my main blog and enter to win a mystery book that includes crosswords to solve as you read.

PS said...

This looks great! Thanks so much for the chance!

Brittany said...

Excellent! Love Pampered Chef! Please enter me! Thanks! prettybritty425@gmail.com

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Oh gracious! PICK ME - PICK ME - PICK ME. I'm sending you a telepathic message. PICK ME!!! I adore/love/salivate over your giveaway. PICK ME. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thanks!

anislandlife at yahoo dot com

An Island Life

Anonymous said...

I remember entering your contest last time and thinking how nice it would be to win your 16 year old son. But this is a great prize, too.

Valerie said...

yum yum, looks great!

Anonymous said...

please enter me ernestsgirl82@yahoo.com

SimplyBillie said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to participate!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in.
Dyani19 at aol dot com

Superdumb Supervillain said...

this would keep me busy...

Teri said...

Wow! What a spread! Thank you!

megan said...

WOW...how fun would this be?!?!

Liz said...

What a great giveaway! Please sign me up! Thanks!

Marilyn B said...

What an awesome prize! Count me in and sure hoping I win! Thank you :)

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh.. what a fab giveaway!

Qtpies7 said...

Love it! And I need a new cake tester! (I will never tell what I used one for that I had to throw it away, never tell)
Great prizes!
I think I was one of those commentors with a daughter, a sweet, pure, lovely hearted Christian girl who is 16 and will not date until God leads her to the right man for her.

Marcia said...

Wow that's a great prize!!

Kim said...

PC items are so wonderful!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Katie B said...

I love Pampered Chef! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Pampered Chef-what a treat! No blog, but my e-mail is onehoppinmom at yahoo dot com Thanks! Beth

Peggie said...

I would like to get this!

Angela S said...

Oh I love me some good PC products. Thanks for offering!

Marly said...

Sign me up, please!

Marci said...

I love pampered chef and anything relating to food!

Anonymous said...

GREAT prize. Thanks, please enter me.

Allison said...

Pampered Chef is great! Please count me in. Thanks!

Emily said...

love it! count me in!

Anonymous said...

I love PC - what a generous package!
Thank you,

Trina and Jophie said...

Woo Hoo! Count me in!


goalmom said...

I bet that chocolate cake was just awesome! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Amico Dio said...

I love Pampered Chef and I don't live in Canada so you wouldn't have to fool with customs! Please pick me and thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

I shouldn't even be entering this. It wouldn't be fair. But I need the southwest seasoning! I'm almost out! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love Pampered Chef! Thanks for entering me! tonaly at gmail dot com

Sassyfrazz said...

Pampered Chef is the best!
Thanks for a great giveaway! I hope to win!
Come check out the three contests I have going on right now!
sharvey at connections-etc dot net

Petra said...

Pampered Chef is awesome. I could have written your tag line under your title and it be me. Apparently you are my blogger twin. lol :)

Mandy said...

please count me in as well! Thanks so much for hosting this!

heather h said...

Oh my, what a generous giveaway! I'd love to win. That chocolate cake is gorgeous. I loooooove Pampered Chef. I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Would love this package, thanks for playing! Kat

Autryville said...

Who doesn't love Pampered Chef?? Thanks for the chance!

The Modest Momma said...

What a great gift! Count me in please! Thanks!

Lindsie said...

What a great giveaway! Is it odd for me to get so excited over a citrus peeler and a cake tester :)

Seth and Mary said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh! I'm in desperate need of a Cake Tester - I've been using an unraveled (and boiled) paperclip! {hangs head in shame} Thanks for the giveaway!


Jen said...

Well look at you...I love Pampered Chef so please count me in....great prize by the way,

Aubrey said...

wow...what a nice and generous prize! Count me in!

Laura said...

I LOVE PC!!!!!!!!!!!

Joanna said...

Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love me some PC! Pick me!!!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

This would be perfect! I'd love to win.

Angela said...

OOO id love to win them!

Katie said...

Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

YAY Homemakerish stuff! ;-) Thanks for entering me!

Heather said...

Fantastic items! Hope to win.

Robin M. said...

Pampered Chef is so much fun! Thank you :)

Hélène said...

Please enter me.

Holladay Family said...

Who doesn't love pampered chef? Their recipes are divine! Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win!

My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
(Please email me if I win!)
Thanks again!

Michelle@Life with Three said...

I'm a huge Pampered Chef fan! Thanks for the chance to win! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.

BearMN said...

I have never used Pampered Chef but have heard many good things about it. This would be a great opportunity to sample it. Thank you for your giveaway. BTW, I love your site and will be back to peruse it some more.

kelly said...

Please choose me!

Anonymous said...

Does it make me sad if I admit that the item up for grabs that I'm most excited about is the orange peeler? LOL

Ginny said...

Love it, count me in!

Kim said...

I mean... PICK ME! PICK ME!

Anonymous said...

asdd me

Nancy said...

Blog me in!! Please!!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I love Pampered Chef products...great quality!! Thanks!

stbaisch AT yahoo.com

Liz R. said...

those cook books look great!

rissaroe said...

I would LOVE this! Cherissa@roebuckcompany.com

tlcfromtn said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks!

AbbieCRAZY said...

sign me up! I love me some Pampered Chef....

Tes283 said...

The Pampered Chef, I feel pampered and I love to cook as does my husband.

Tanya said...

Great items!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Amazing giveaway! I’d love to be entered.

If you haven’t already entered my giveaway, I’m giving away two prizes: craft books & decorating books at my blog



Karen said...

This is so generous, thank you!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Would love some pampered chef items!


Jenna Z said...

What a fantastic package!!

Sarah said...

love pampered chef.... sign me up thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering me!

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