I consulted with the best. With cash in hand (or bank) I was ready to commit to the Go-To person I selected. Unfortunately, Go-To person couldn't do it at that time.
So, my sweet hubby tried contacting the Go-To person so I could have it as a Christmas present. Go-to person didn't contact him back. Ever.
I need a new Go-To Person.
Look at this place. It's a mess. I need a new blog template baaaaaad.
Any recommendations?
Feel free to advertise yourself to me. All I ask is that you direct me to some of your work. I like fun, bright and funky. Nothing too serious, yet nothing too nuts.
I'm a little bit country. And a little bit rock-n-roll. Work with me people.
For more Works For Me Wednesday- Backwards Edition goodness, head on over to Rocks In My Dryer!
Twentysixcatsdesign.com! She is a very close friend of mine, so I can attest that SHE IS GOOD AT WHAT SHE DOES. Plus, she designed my blog. Which I love.
I love bright and funky too!! Shaz from Swank Webstyle did mine and I love it!
do your own! It's not to hard and then you can fiddle with it whenever you want.
Or ask Elle.
Hey there!
I noticed you have the same template I had. Stephanie at Thatgirldesignz.com does blog headers for free. She just asks that you put her little stamp on your blog. She'll put your name in a queue and you might have to wait just a little bit.
Come see my blog if you'd like to see what she did for me. It's a great way to change your blog look. :)
I got mine free at finalsense.com. Some of my friends have used www.bluebirdblogs.com.
Here's the link for the chic who did my blog layout for only $25! She's so fast!
i got mine from pyzam and it's free!
No advice, I was interested in the answers you got. Thanks for asking such a good question!
My current header I made myself. I use one of blogger's plain templates, change the colors to my liking and make my header with photoshop. I have also used pyzam.com.
I made my blog banners using photoshop and stock images that I bought. Then, like someone else mentioned, I used just a basic blogger template and changed colors, etc.
Good luck!
I just barely joined the blogging world. My good friend Summer designed my blog and I love it! You can look at my blog to see if you like what she did. Then check out her design page: designsbysummer.blogspot.com
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