In all honesty.... I've enjoyed my break. It's funny because my blog was originally just supposed to be some sort of online journal of sorts. A place to share funny stories, post my opinions or just get my feelings out there. It wasn't really supposed to be read by other, you know... PEOPLE! Little did I know that a few years later I would have actual relationships with people that I've only known online! Crazy! And when those people don't post I actually worry about them. Really. I do. So whether or not you've missed me .... I've missed you.
I'm feeling a little revived and I like it. It may something to do with the fact that that the planet Sun decided to finally make an appearance again after two straight weeks of nothing but dreary gray days. And the rain! I could swear I heard the cats talking about finding 'ark buddies'.
And I'll be honest. I'm trying very hard to find balance in my life once again. Don't get me wrong ... it's still crazy ... but I'm trying to control the crazy now. I'm trying to ...::gulp:: even make a schedule of sorts. I KNOW!!! You-Know-Where just froze over!
At any rate, I'm not feeling so out of control and that, my friends, has made a world of difference. Some days I just have to stop and pray and ask God to show me what's important and where to slow down. I'm here to say, it's working!
I feel like I need to catch you up on SO much that's going on, but then that seems like such a daunting task that I figure I might as well just pick it up right here and now. It's easier that way. Y'all aren't scratching your heads saying, 'huh?' and I'm not having a nervous breakdown at my computer because you didn't know that Monk took the girls to the State Fair of Texas last week and ate Fried Butter. (Seriously, he did.) Or that Madgirl started Driver's Ed tonight (BUCKLE YOUR SEAT BELTS!) or that I once again switched my photography blog, or that I spent the weekend having a blast with old college friends (one that I haven't seen in 16 years!) and I didn't take one dadgum picture! Seriously, I'm stupid.
Oh wait. I just caught you up.
This past weekend here in Texas was what's known as the Red River Shoot Out. It was the University of Texas Longhorns versus the Oklahoma Sooners college football game. And in case you didn't know ... I LOOOOOVE me some college football! And in case you didn't know again ... I LOVE THE TEXAS LONGHORNS!!! I'll be honest, I'm rather fanatical about it. Monk and I love nothing better than to sit and watch college football on Saturdays together. We bond through the tossing of pigskin. Now that's true love right there, y'all.
This game is HUGE down here and we've been looking forward to it for weeks! So I made us up some Buffalo Chicken Dip with mandatory Frito's and a couple of Cokes and we planted ourselves right there on the couch. It was a much needed time of rest and quite relaxing if I do say so myself. Might I add that there was a lethal amount of cream cheese in that dip. Amen.

We also had a couple of little girls that we're starting out early to be little Longhorn fans. We raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord first ... then we teach'em the Hook'em Horns sign....

We start young ....

.... reeeaaaal young.

And just so you know .... our team won. We were happy. Or ecstatic might be a better word.
But in the midst of all of this celebration, I looked to my 4th daughter or 5th child, and saw this ...

Apparently, Hope finds it not only appropriate, but quite comfortable to wear shoes that are two sizes too small and on the wrong feet. And you know what? I let her.
Choose your battles is what I always say.
See y'all tomorrow ~ you'll NEVER believe what I'm fixin' to do!
1 comment:
Yeah glad your back..the pictures are the toes stickin' out :)
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