...and a whole lotta this....

...I love the fact that my mom has always grown these....

....this one requests to "whing" about 2 or 47 times a day...

...this one got to "whing" for the first time and giggled out loud...
...and we had to resort to this....

....we took them here...

....so they could see this...

...one of the very best things was getting to visit with my college roommate, Jill. I haven't seen her in 20 years...too long...

....and that's a brief glimpse of what we've done ....
... so far.
Great pictures! Looks fun :) Oh man we had a monkey too!! HEHE!
lOVE the pic of charlie in the swing!! ah so cute. Loving the colors!
Still telling everyone what a great time I had with y'all! Hope your little one is feeling better.
Love ya and can't wait until next time!
Yea for vacation! Your babies are growing up so fast, but I'm sure you know that :)
Love the pics!
Your girls are beautiful... and so is the scenery! Great pics!
Your family is beautiful and you take wonderful pictures!!!
I love the pictures, Michelle! I cracked up when I saw what you "had to resort to" with Hope. lol We tried one of those on Lily...didn't work out too well.(Boy I am glad that she has been out of that stage for a few years!) I sure hope it works for y'all. :) Anastasia is definitely in that stage. Thankfully, she has been enjoying riding in her plush stroller; she cannot stand the umbrella stroller.Rats...it was So convenient, too! You look beautiful, Michelle.
The waterfall! Gorgeous!
The kidlets! Adorable!
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