Monday, April 28, 2008

What We're Fixin' To Do...

I love the Spring. All things become new again. The trees are green, the flowers are blooming and best of all.........

The garden gets planted! We're a little behind this year and instead of starting from seed like we had intended, I had to purchase plants.

Can you see our little patch of dirt in the background?

-Tomatoes (3 different kind)
-Jalapeno (because we are spicy kind of people)
-Crooked Neck Yellow Squash (I think their little necks are cute)
-Zucchini Squash (for infinite amounts of zucchini bread)
-Cantaloupe (nothin' better)

We will probably plant some pickling cucumbers (using seeds) too. Because we all know you can't have a plate of freshly picked, sliced tomatoes without a few slices of freshly picked cucumbers as well! Oh, this makes me happy. (Sigh...)

Oh yea, and lettuce too. For plenty of fresh garden salads. And BLT's. And burgers.

Monk will start hoeing rows here shortly and then I will don my 50 spf sunscreen and join him. I'll put my hands in the warm, moist dirt, smelling it's earthy smell that I love (gloves are for sissies) and I'll take my trusty trowel and begin to dig holes for all of my wonderful, new plants.

I'll tenderly give them new residence in the rich, dark soil where we'll eventually watch them grow and produce delicious vegetables and fruits for us to enjoy and give to our friends (anyone remember our bumper crop of Calabaza squash in the Summer of 2006?). I'll cage the tomato plants so they can climb big and tall, giving them the best opportunity to yield plenty of red, ripened goodness.

Then I'll stand back, looking at our accomplishments, dusting the mud from my knees...

and pray that I'll not throw up.


Sadie said...

Sounds fun! I tried gardening last summer with a friend and it was definitely worth it.

mindi said...

Oh how you brought back memories of gardening with Kevin, in our old house. I'm going to have to container garden this year, since I don't have the strength to till!! Every time you share photos, I'll drool!!

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

Looks and sounds great! Have fun!

You crack me up!! I'll pray you don't throw-up as well! :)

Made me laugh....


Anonymous said...

Throw up is not good plant fertilizer!! And, please wear gloves little missy. I understand the feel of the warm earth on your hands...BUT, you're pregnant and you need to wear gloves. This is coming live to you from your big sis in Michigan, who can only drool at the thought of planting. We can't even start until late May. Well most of us don't start until then. There are those few Michiganders who think just because it's warm outside means it's time to plant. Not a pretty site.

Shelly said...

I would love to plant a small garden if only I could just 2 certain puppies to leave it alone! Maybe down the road when I'm home full-time & can keep an eye on them.

Jedi Miller said...

Old Monk farmer had a farm...

Shelly said...

Edit: I meant to say "if only I could trust 2 certain puppies". Oops!

Sarah said...

Joinin in with you soon I hope. Then we can can tomotatos together. That is if I can keep the plants alive.

homelover2 said...

Thank you for telling me about your experience w/your son's tonsils. I was wondering how long he had the apnea before his operation? What is worrying me is that with our circumstances, my son may not be able to have his removed till September.

Congrats on your newest blessing too!
from Homekeeping Heart