So Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer has changed up Works For Me Wednesday a bit this week. This week would be the Quick Fix Edition.
In other words, what do we fix for dinner when time is scarce and/or the cupboards are scarcer (is that really a word? I don't think so, but let's pretend just this once, okay?).
My first inclination was to say, um...order takeout. But in the spirit of things this is not always the best option. Especially for a family of 7. Okay, technically 6 because the Baby Girl really only eats, well, uh....me. But we are a bigger family and it is not very frugal to eat out very often at our size. Especially when one has a 16yo boy that can eat his weight in tacos.
Interestingly enough, I had to use one of my "go-to" meals tonight. I'm really rather ashamed that I didn't photograph the whole thing, but I forgot that this week was a special week and before I knew it I actually let my my family eat before photographing their dinner. I'll be sure not to let that happen again. Eating before photographing? What was I thinking?
So, without further adieu, here is one of my best "go-to" meals when pinched for time or a budget.
Bean and Cheese Quesadillas:
-Flour tortillas
-1 can of refried beans
-grated cheese
-butter or margarine (depending on whether you like things a la natural or if you prefer eating something that is like one molecule away from being considered plastic. I'm just sayin' is all)
Now I have one of them fancy Quesadilla Makers that I never would have purchased full price, but my mother-in-love bought it for me second hand at the Goodwill for like 3 bucks. Sorry, can't beat free, y'all. I use my Quesadilla Maker for mine, but when I was PQM (Pre-Quesadilla-Maker) I just used a pan on the stove.
Lightly butter 1 flour tortilla and set aside(use your own discretion here - as we all well know that I love the buttah!). Spread refried beans over the other tortilla. Place a small amount of butter in a preheated pan. After it has melted place the bean laden tortilla in the pan (bean side up, of course). Sprinkle with a little or a lot of cheese (it is, afterall, your arteries). Then place the buttered tortilla on top with THE BUTTERED SIDE UP (I'm not yelling, just emphasizing). After the first side is lightly browned then flip the tortilla with a spatula and cook the other side until golden.
The large flour tortillas can be used for this as well, but you would do it a little differently. You would use only ONE tortilla. Spread beans over half of tortilla, then sprinkle with cheese. Place whole tortilla in lightly buttered pan and fold over the beanless side -- like a taco. When first side is golden simply flip and cook until the other side is golden as well.
Two of my children are of the anti-bean camp and so they simply receive a cheese quesadillas. This suits me just fine as it leaves more beans for me. The question we have to ask ourselves is, "is that really a good thing?".
At any rate, that's what I got for my quick, cheap, "go-to" meal. It works for me! Go visit Shannon for a heapin' helpin' of other Quick Fixes! Enjoy!
"Mother-in-love" had never heard that term before, but that is so sweet. Nice post all around. Thanks!
This is definitely one of our go-to meals as well. I do have one son who won't eat this, not even with just cheese. (Crazy, I know!) And my new baby (who is 2 1/2) loves to eat hers with hot salsa!
This is one of our meals as well. Except that we use chicken instead of beans, and I'm one of those that prefers just cheese (like my daughter). Can't beat it though!!
okay queen of quick fixes (coughLazycough) I've posted, lets get to the commenting!!!!
mmm just cheese!!!
Thank-you! I really do love my mother-in-love. I couldn't ask for a better one. :)
PM Ann,
I'm so excited to see you! Yeah!
I never took you for a picky eater girlie! Cheese only? Really?
Can you give me a minute, alright? I have this little thing I have to do everyday...it's called...taking care of the CHILDREN!!!
Besides, that was one of those posts I have to ponder a little and then I can comment.
Y'all go read Jedi's blog post. It'll make you cry. But a good cry. :)
Hey thanks for the plug :)
It's the Angel Tree post BTW. I'd hate for everyone to read the "beware of Little girls" post and say, what so sad about that. Ha!
Love you girls Mad Momma, they are precious!!
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