We shared a burger and fries at the airport around noon on the day we left. Two flights, a trip to his office and after checking in at the hotel we realize we are starved. Because of the time change we didn't realize we hadn't eaten in 8 hours!! The kind people at The Outback Steakhouse were nice enough to keep their hands out of the way as we inhaled out food!
However, I have to say that the very BEST part about the trip was this bed at the hotel!!

The biggest hightlight of the trip, however, was the flight home. You would think if one is flying from Phoenix to Dallas that one would head due East, right? nope. The herded us to --of all places-- Las Vegas first. Then, just to make the evening more exciting, the trip from Vegas to Dallas was packed like a sardine can in the aircraft with the smallest seats known to man! Sweet hubby and I were in the very last row in the back where it felt like the engine was in our lap. Not to mention that the poor man across the aisle was so large that he took up half the aisle when seated. He had to get up and walk to the back of the plane every time someone needed to use the restroom. There was no rest to be had by anyone in the back row. Finally, it just had to become humorous and we just laughed the rest of the way home.
I will say this though....I STILL don't like to fly and I much prefer Texas any day!

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