Sunday, March 29, 2009

iHeart Faces ~ Pets

Oh boy. This was a hard one for me. Harley (the chocolate lab) is a complete and total pain in the patooty, but boy is he photogenic. Fat Otis, however, is just plain cool.

I chose the cool one. Also, he pretty much owns the place and he might eat me in my sleep if I don't use his picture ~ his name ain't FAT Otis for nothin' you know.

Fat Otis

Head on over to iHeart Faces to catch some more animal action ~ I think it's just puuuuurrrfect! Oh wow. That was cheesy.


*Just Jen* said...

Great pic! It looks like my cat!

Elisabeth Carol said...

Love it! Fat otis is the man.

Anonymous said...

beautiful eyes! wow! :)

TuTu's Bliss said...

My cat groing up as a little girl had green eyes and a tangerine nose too. This is a very cool pic

TidyMom said...

Oh I LOVE this picture!! Look at those eyes!!!


Christina said...

OMG!!! What a perfect picture of Otis!

Jo said...

I can tell by his expression that he is the "fat cat" in town!! LOL! Beautifulf!

ARK said...

Cute kitty!! He reminds me of mine :)

Jennifer said...

That's an awesome picture. And thanks, again, for the laughs. Fat Otis... :)

Jill said...

I wonder if he was wondering how a camera would taste! LOL! Beautiful cat!

Christine said...

Wow, he is cool! You are an awesome photographer! ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo, beautiful kitty, beautiful blog! Love the colors!!

Ter said...

Great photos, you can see your reflection in his eyes.

This is my first time participating!